What are the benefits of travelling alone?

Interested in learning about the benefits of travelling alone? This post will list the reasons why you should definitely travel solo! Some of the reasons include the opportunity to meet new people, learn about different cultures and gain a sense of independence.

woman in yellow coat stands on top of a mountain and looks at mountains and clouds in the distance

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10 Benefits of Travelling Alone

There are many benefits of travelling alone, and many reasons why you should travel solo at least once in your life! Some of the best reasons to travel solo include:

1. Solo travel can be incredibly empowering.

Being in control of your own schedule and itinerary gives you a lot of freedom. It means you can do exactly what you want, when you want. The feeling of independence that comes with travelling solo is a pretty amazing feeling.

Fancy going on a random stroll which wasn’t a part of your itinerary? Fancy laying in bed all day? Go for it, you don’t have to worry about what anyone else wants to do. You are in control, and that is a very empowering feeling.

2. Solo travel can help you to develop a stronger sense of self-reliance and independence.

Being on your own in a new place means you have to step out of your comfort zone, try new things and meet new people. This is a great way to challenge yourself and grow as a person. With no one to rely on but yourself, you’ll learn how to be more independent and resourceful. It’s also a good confidence boost and an invaluable skill for future travels.

You might be surprised at your own capabilities and resilience. In my experience, you tend to find yourself just getting on with it – simply because there is no one else to do it for you.

solo female traveller sitting on the rocks looking out to sea thinking about the benefits of travelling alone.

3. You don’t have to wait for other people to be available.

I wasted years trying to book trips which never amounted to anything due to other people’s schedules. Does this sound familiar? Your friend can’t make it, or doesn’t have the money, or can only go away in school holidays, or is trying for a baby, or has to ask their spouse/partner for permission – the list goes on. I am here to tell you that if you wait for your friends to be available, you’ll wait forever.

One of the benefits of travelling alone is the fact there is no more waiting around. Since I decided to travel alone, I have never looked back. I know I would not have gone anywhere had I continued to wait for my friends to be ready. It’s time to take control of your own travel plans.

4. You can still meet people and make friends when you’re travelling solo.

Believe it or not, people are more likely to approach you and strike up a conversation when you are solo. This is a surprising element of solo travel. I have met some amazing people whilst travelling, even though making new friends was never the reason I went travelling to begin with.

If you are worried about loneliness, consider staying in hostels where you can meet new people. I also recommend joining tours. In fact this is my top way of meeting cool people, as the people on the tours already have the same interests as you. I always use Viator to book tours in whatever country I am in.

solo female traveller in a canoe on a green lake - one of the benefits of travelling alone.

5. You’ll have a more authentic and unique experience when you travel solo.

Without other people influencing your decisions, you’re free to explore and experience a destination in your own way. This allows you to get off the beaten path or try new things. You’ll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and really get to know a place. This can lead to a more authentic and unique travel experience.

6. You’ll learn more about yourself – and the world around you – when you travel solo.

One of the benefits of travelling alone is the time you get to really think about who you are and what your goals and values are, without the distraction of other people’s opinions. It’s no coincidence people talk about going travelling to “find themselves” – this really does happen.

By spending time in your own company, you will gain a better understanding of both yourself and the world around you. Learning about the way you interact with your environment, as well as the great unknown, can lead to higher self-awareness and a greater understanding of perspective and humility.

solo female traveller in a black hat looks out over a field of yellow corn

7. Solo travel can be cheaper than travelling with a group or partner.

Whilst it is true some hotels and travel operators will charge you a single supplement, you also won’t have to worry about splitting the bill or paying for someone else’s expenses when you are travelling solo. This can actually make solo travel more affordable than travelling with others.

One of the benefits of travelling alone is also being able to budget more easily and stick to your travel goals without having to compromise with someone else.

Plus there are lots of ways to save money whilst travelling solo – such as getting a place with a kitchenette so you can cook for yourself (try Booking.com), travelling off-season and being flexible with your destinations.

8. You don’t have to compromise on your travel plans when you’re travelling solo.

When you’re travelling with others, there’s always the risk of disagreements over what to do and where to go. If you’ve ever been on an organised trip like a hen or stag party, you will probably know what I mean!

One of the benefits of travelling alone is being able to do exactly as you please without having to worry about anyone else’s preferences. I know I’m repeating myself, but honestly it is so liberating!

blonde woman with yellow scarf looks up at a fountain in Rome

Fancy laying in bed till noon? You got it. Want to spend all day in museums without other people being bored? Go for it. Everything is on your terms. This is my favourite thing about solo travel.

9. You’ll have more time for reflection (and reading!) when you travel solo.

Without having to consider any travel companions, you’ll have plenty of time to think about your surroundings and really take in all that is around you. This can lead to a deeper and more meaningful travel experience.

And when you have had enough with self-reflection, you can read all those books you’ve been wanting to read! Or listen to music, play games on your iPad, catch up with your favourite blog or do whatever things that you keep putting off because you don’t get enough ‘me time’ in your usual daily life.

This is one of the added benefits of travelling alone and leaves you feeling a sense of accomplishment too.

10. Solo travel is simply more fun!

Combining all of the benefits of travelling alone leads me to one conclusion: travelling solo is the best way to travel.

Whether it’s Europe, South America or the Middle East, you can choose your own adventure. There’s no need to compromise or negotiate – you can just go out and enjoy yourself without worrying about anyone else.

I love arriving in a new country, booking a tour which interests me, and then getting myself out there and doing it. And in the end, that’s what travel is all about.

solo female traveller in a sun hat looks out over a harbour with pink flowers in the foreground.

FAQs about Solo Travel & the Benefits of Travelling Alone

Is solo travel a good idea?

Yes – if you are ready to reconnect with yourself and discover your purpose on a solo journey. Planning a trip with others can be complex, but when you travel alone, you are in charge of the itinerary – no need to worry about other people’s agendas or schedules.

Does solo travel get lonely?

Although periods of boredom and loneliness may arise when travelling solo, doing things to keep yourself engaged and inquisitive can also lead you to explore a city from an entirely different perspective. I recommend booking a tour (preferably a food tour) with Viator on your first day, to really get a sense of orientation and local culture.

Is travelling alone good for your mental health?

Travelling on your own is not only good for your mental wellbeing but it also helps your self development. More benefits of travelling alone include becoming more independent and developing self-reliance. Solo travel helps teach you to make decisions that prioritise what’s best for you. When travelling alone, you are responsible for every single choice – no one else will be there influencing them!

How do you travel solo without being lonely?

Whilst there are lots of benefits of travelling alone, loneliness can sometimes be a worry if it’s your first time. Here are some top tips on avoiding loneliness whilst travelling solo:

  • Try hostels or accommodation with shared areas.
  • Travel by train for a chance to meet fellow passengers.
  • Explore new places through guided day tours.
  • Strike up conversations with fellow tour passengers.
  • Take classes or workshops to connect with locals and tourists alike.
  • Try restaurants with communal tables.
  • Coffee shops are good for meeting people.
  • Keep yourself occupied and concentrate on enjoying the experiences you are having.
solo female traveller sin a black robe on a balcony looking out to sea thinking about the benefits of travelling alone.

Everyone loves a super-nifty travel product from Amazon to make life easier, right?

Here are my favourite solo travel products on Amazon:

Benefits of Travelling alone: Pin For Later

The Benefits of Travelling Alone: Travel Tips

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